Assigning character elements is the most iterative, intuitive, part of story structure

Melanie Anne Philips in her secrets of the quad video says, the assigning character elements is the part of the dramatica structure that allows for the most mixing and matching. It accounts for 3 quarters of the story structure.

While the genre side of story structure doesn’t allow for that much finese.

Theres an inverse relationship when it comes to story telling.

Genre accounts for 3 quarters in story telling while character interactions account for a quarter in storytelling because the character interactions have been locked into place by the structural configurations.

Genre is knowledge - external state
Plot is ability - external process
Theme is thought - internal state
Character is desire - internal process

Can I conclude that character interactions at elemental level are the gravity of story structure.

Thank Samuel … I shall give it a read, my friend. Emm…

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