Dramatica and evolution

Since Dramatica describes the complete “map of consciousness” (potentially) accessible to us, isn’t it very unlikely that the whole model popped up all at once when humans entered the picture? I wonder if the layering of brain functions during evolution is nature’s way of “filling up holes” on this map, piece by piece. What if other lifeforms use the model in varying portions based on their position in the tree of life?

For example, the quad “Fact, Security, Threat, Fantasy” has a very strong feel of the flight-or-fight response; let’s say, you’re a reptile on your way home, when suddenly, a strange figure appears in your peripheral vision:

Fact: “There are hungry predators everywhere. This could very well be one.”
Security: “Oh crap, I’m out in the open, miles from my hole.”
Threat: “Gotta prepare for an imminent attack!”
Fantasy: “Oh… It was just a bush. Well, at least I’m not in someone’s stomach.”

Of course, we humans tend to have more complex issues to think about, like money, jobs, relationships etc. But it’s essentially the same pattern that evolved long time ago and stayed as part of our minds.

Not sure how well other quads could be found in animal behavior. Certainly, something like “Fate, Prediction, Interdiction, Destiny” seems way too abstract for most lifeforms.

Also, the possibility of the minds of extraterrestrial lifeforms evolving around the very same model is pretty exciting; since, in its essence, Dramatica is about matter, energy, space and time, it seems very unlikely other minds would evolve in isolation from the rules that govern our universe.

…Possibly? One of humanity’s greatest strengths and weaknesses is the ability to create narratives, i.e. causal chains arising from evidence. I say strength because it’s what powers science, economics, and philosophy, but I also say weakness because it’s the fundamental basis for all of our inherent biases and self-deceptions.

As to your point on animals, I think they do more than you expect. For example, ravens can figure out that dropping rocks in one tube raises the water in the other tube, which is apparently equivalent to a six-year-old child in terms of causal thinking. While animals may not “think” in the same way, the “learned helplessness” experiment seems like a pretty good example of Prediction and/or Fate.

Interesting thought. It would be neat to know whether it applied to the smarter mammals, other primates, dogs, Dolphins, pigs.
For animals with less advanced brain function, do you think they would have to be aware of something like the change of energy over time before they could start developing problem solving abilities in those areas? Despite the connections we see between all four Domains, maybe animals with lower brain function would see Situation as a complete argument. After all, Melanie suggested in an article or video somewhere that if there were other aspects to the universe we might never know of them because we’re only designed to see the four we do see.
Now I’m wondering if there are any examples of Holistic problem solving in animals.

.:confused: I have no idea. I was teetering on the edge of “overwhelmed” on your last post; this one put me over the edge. I really don’t know. I’m just a story writer. :flushed:

Fantasy: “Oh… It was just a bush…and it has berries. Yumm, let me go and…”

Saw a video recently of Melanie Anne Phillips discussing past/present/future of Dramatica, where she describes it being used as a predictive/analytical tool for national intelligence purposes! LOL. No end to what it can do :slight_smile:


Haha! When I was five, I indulged in the fantasy that some wild berries in our yard were perfectly safe to eat and earned myself a visit to the hospital. With his +1 years of life experience, my six year old friend was against eating them and pointed out they might be dangerous – didn’t listen.

National intelligence! There’s an idea. :stuck_out_tongue: Me, I was just going to use it for fortune telling.

Was thinking of something similar: apes using tools to catch termites. These are behaviors that are clearly purposeful.

Now that I’ve put more thought into it, it seems somehow wrong to think other animals use just bits and pieces. It could also be the case that all animals from the very first cells had the entire map, but the resolution (the amount of detail) grows like a fractal as minds become more complex. The simplest of lifeforms may have a very rudimentary “understanding” of Universe, Physics, Psychology and Mind.