Dramatica's structure in a matrix

Does anyone understand the math behind Dramatica and how it translates in a matrix? I’m working on turning the dramatica units into equations and need more insight.

Example: 1 of 8 questions is equivalent to y=sinx

I’m… not sure I follow. We talk about sine waves now and again, but that’s only a metaphor to talk about the movement of stories. There’s no actual sine wave, as far as I’m aware.

In the dynamic matrix, the sine wave is determined by the direction of rotates. To place value into the equation we decide if the MC succeeds or fails.

Back up a bit.

Please clarify your goal and problem. As it is, I’m not sure what exactly you’re looking for.

If I had to guess, I would say that you get the static dramatica table of story elements as input, and your math would turn it into the justified table, from which the software derives the signpost order etc? If not, I have no idea what it is you want.