Eyes wide shut analysis?

has anyone done an analysis of kubrick’s eyes wide shut?

my guess:
OS (barely veiled influence of sex at every level of society): Fixed Attitude > Innermost Desires > Denial > Temptation
MC (dr. bill hartford): Activity > Obtaining > Morality > Temptation
IC (alice hartford): Manipulation > Becoming > Responsibility > Feeling
RS (husband/wife marriage): Situation > Future > Preconception > Temptation

take 2:
OS (sex as influence at every level of society): Fixed Attitude > Impulsive Response > Worth > Unending
MC (dr bill): Activity > Doing > Enlightenment > Unending
IC (alice): Manipulation > Being > Thought > Test
RS (shaky marriage): Situation > Progress > Fantasy > Hunch

MC resolve: change
MC growth: start
MC style: holistic

Outcome: Success (zigler explaining away everything, all tidied up, no one has to get off for now “life goes on, until it doesn’t!”)
Judgement: Good (bill and alice reconcile). could argue its a very temporary Good…

any thoughts on this amazing movie?