Frequency of encoding problem, solution, and more

Hi. I think I’m somewhat new to Dramatica compared to most of you all, so please forgive my lack of understanding on what I feel should be really simple to grasp.

I believe I’ve seen before that each of these story points should be encoded at least once per signpost, but I wanted to ask, should the problem, solution, symptom, and response be encoded in every scene/dramatic unit of your story?

Actually, that leads to another question. I imagine if you encoded the solution into every scene and it resolved the conflict… well, that just doesn’t seem right. So what do I do with it? Should it only be used occasionally to resolve conflict? Do I maybe just use the Response to temporarily fix things? How am I supposed to encode the Solution every Signpost?

And I’m not super sure on the importance of the MC Unique Ability, and whether they’re the only who can utilize the Solution because of their Unique Ability? Maybe I misunderstand how it works.

I’m a bit ashamed to ask all these questions. I’ve been reading everything I can gather about Dramatica since I discovered it, so I feel like the answers to my questions should have popped into my head by now, but I’m still just not completely sure how these elements are supposed to appear.

I feel like the answer to some of my questions might just be “No”, but I’m not sure how to correct myself. It feels like now would be a good time to just clear this stuff up in my head.

No need for to feel ashamed - you don’t ask, you’ll never know!

That would be crazy! :smile: Meaning - that would be so crazy to try and implement. SO MUCH WORK - and it would come off really mechanical.

Theoretically, the storypoints occur once per Signpost, but even that is too prescriptive, especially within the framework of a screenplay or a short story. Maybe in a giant novel, but you don’t have to do that.

As far as the Solution goes, think of it as a brake for motivation. Anytime, you want conflict to die down throw in a little Solution. Anytime you want to pick it up again, bring that Problem back in the mix. Think of it more like instruments to play with, rather than anything dogmatic.

The MC Unique Ability ties the Main Character to the Overall Story Throughline - it’s why they are in the story and why they alone can help bring about the Solution (whether directly or indirectly).


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I pretty well agree with what @jhull said, but you can also think of it this way. The Solution doesn’t necessarily have to be implemented in every Act/Signpost/Journey; the audience just needs to be reminded of it. You know, having your Influence Character pop up and say, “You know, you could just try Changing, and maybe this would go better for you,” and the Main Character shrugs it off for another round in the circle.

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