Issues of being-old within Becoming

I read a quote today which triggered some ideas in my head to develop a story. “Everybody wants to become old but nobody wants to be old” (1-to-1 translation from German). As I have a shorter story in mind, I use only 1 quad for the time being.

Being old seems obvious and fits nicely into Playing a role as the Issue:
Issue: Nobody wants to be old, everybody plays like he is never older than 39.
Desire vs Ability: Wishing to run the iron man at the age of 50+ brings more problems (Condition, Time, People around) than expected
Thought vs Knowledge: Just quitting a safe job to do something different without knowing shows finding a new job at this age is not easy

But how does it work out with Becoming = Getting Old?
Issue: Everybody as his own excuses of not getting old
Rationalization (You are as old as you behave)
Obligation (Life starts when kids leave the house)
Responsibility (Behaving like a kid/teen?)
Commitment (I do what ever I want doesn’t matter )

I always kind of struggle with Becoming as the issues below are so formal (at least in German: Obligation=Pflicht, Responsibility=Verantwortung). This are words for big concepts in my language.

Just see it right now looking at the dramatica chart Doing (being old) vs Obtaining (getting old) might also work.

What would be the difference between activity and manipulation assuming I would take “Nobody wants to be old, everybody plays like he is never older than 39.” as story synopsis:
Manipulation: Everybody thinks I am acting childish but I think differently
Activity: I run the marathon and try to keep up with the youngsters but have a break down at the midpoint

Btw, I am 46 now ;o)

I think it’s easier when you remember that it has to be a source of conflict to be a Concern.

So think about when becoming old is a source of conflict:

  • the younger generation having to care for the older generation – conflict from more responsibilities, having to meet familial obligations, etc.
  • declining health, and people making excuses (Rationalization) on both sides. “you’re really out of breath, you should get your heart checked out” … “it’s nothing, just a stitch”
  • having to give up responsibilities because you’re getting too old
  • having to commit your parents to a home
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