Mindhunter, dir. David Fincher

binge watching now. highly structured. Basically, Jack Douglas develops techniques for finding serial killers in 1970s/early 80s FBI/America. Benchmarks are the conversations with serial killers, chipping away at FBI resistance, local cop scepticism, then developing his skeptical partner, developing a third partner, a female academic. great atmosphere.

stay tuned, going to think about this one a bit.

Title obviously connects it to Manhunter. You’ve seen these movies, haven’t you, sport? Because you knew about the lock, and the dog. You knew every single thing. Peel back the label, Jack.

I’ve heard great things about this series. Must investigate…

I’ll be interested to hear what you think. I thought the first season was great, but very different – it makes me suspect that the storyform is in an unexpected place (if it’s complete – I’m not sure it is yet).

Crimehunters in Cars Meeting Killers, a really simple concept but it kind of works. And all those great 1970s cars!

Problem: female lead talks like a barely-restrained valley girl with growly voice. Women of this era had not yet infantilized themselves in this way. They still generally spoke like vocally competent adults.