PSR Variations bleeding around slide Drivers

Has anyone else ever found PSR Variations sometimes bleed around the Act Turn Drivers? Especially slides…?

For example, here are my OS Signposts 2 and 3 with PSR:

I feel like the Investigation actually started towards the end of act 1 (not shown, but signpost 1 is Being so it’s a slide). The interrogation that occurs at the point in the story starts with a lot of Being (lying, playing roles) and then moves to a concern over Becoming at the Second Driver.

In Signpost 3, based on what happens in the story I think the order is actually Closure-Denial / Hope-Dream. (I didn’t use the PSR to plot.) There is some Dream stuff toward the end of act 3, but the strongest is that the Fourth Driver turns everything into a huge nightmare for the characters. So the whole Fourth Driver sequence is Dream, or Nightmare.

Contrast this with the Bump between Signpost 2 and 3 where there is no “bleeding”. There I can definitely see how the very strong Doubt stops suddenly and absolutely at the Midpoint Driver, then Closure starts up immediately after. (They’re doubting whether they can really skydive without parachutes, but when Jess jumps without a key part of her antigrav suit, they cast all doubt aside and do everything they can to stop her freefall. More details here.)

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Isn’t there a point where Doubt would have to morph into Closure?


O becomes P.

A becomes S (in this case).

Wouldn’t foreshadowing be one of the ways this is done? And doesn’t the three dimensional spiraling of the quad (like a slinky stretched) suggest bleed over?

I can’t remember exactly, but doesn’t the Psychology component of a quad shift closer to something else (not being the other three).

Just some half asleep musings.