Unique Ability of Delay

My MC Throughline had a Unique Ability of Delay and a Critical Flaw of Dream. I’m struggling to understand how Delay can be a Unique Ability that helps the MC solve the OS Problem. Does the delay refer to the MC delaying, or that he causes a delay in external circumstances (bad example: delaying the antagonist from getting their hands on the nuclear code which prevents them from blowing up the world.) Curious if anyone had any thoughts on this. Thanks!

Not exactly the same, but this thread talks about delay/dream as catalyst/inhibitor.

Unique Ability is “the item that makes the Main Character uniquely able to determine the Overall Story’s outcome” so your second example would be more fitting than the first.

Sometimes procrastinating is the best approach to solving a problem–puts people on hold until resources are available to attack that problem.

If you have a hostage situation with a gunman ready to open fire, I imagine a negotiator with a unique ability of delay would be useful in achieving a goal of getting everyone out alive.

@mike.d, it’s both of those things. It could also be that his delayed onset of puberty gives him a different perspective on life that proves crucial. It’s pretty open-ended.