Using the book Dramatica For Screenwriters

I am currently reading the book “Dramatica for Screenwriters” by Armondo Saldana-Mora (Kindle version)
and using the dramatica software version 4 (p.c. version). In chapter 4 “Dramatica in thirty seconds” it talks of fine-tuning your story form and placing elements into the parameters story engine to create the 4 short paragraphs for your story.
The parameters are :-

Driver + Consequence
Goal + Requirements
Forewarnings + Limit
Driver + Outcome

But I cannot seem to find where the Requirements and Forewarning parameters are allocated into the story engine. I have tried all three examples within the book and looked for the elements that they have used but I cannot get it to match the examples, Has anybody got any idea what I am doing wrong.
A very confused

The Requirement and Forewarning aren’t in the Story Engine. You should be able to find them in the Story Points listing. The Requirement is the same as the Benchmark for the Overall Throughline, and the Forewarning is the same as the Benchmark for the Main Character Throughline. (There’s a complicated way to generate it, if you’re curious.)

Thanks actingpower that’s helped me a lot.
Please do tell of me of this complicated way you spoke of my curiosity has been tickled :smile:

i too am interested.

I’ve talked about this before here, so go ahead and look at my explanations there. If you’re still confused, go ahead and PM me.