So now that I have watched the film, I hope that I can intelligently contribute. I know the following is going over old ground, but thought I would share as I attempt to catch up on the proceedings.
MC - Wall-E
I really felt that Wall-E was driven by the fact that he was lonely, and he wanted to share his life with someone. Being a do-er, it would put him in Situation (my choice) or Activity. A lot of his conflict seemed to stem from the fact that he wanted to be with Eve. e.g. hanging onto the side of the ship as it blasted off taking Eve with it. Going in to fight for Eve when she was having a spa moment.
Though it could be argued that Wall-E was in activity - I think the IC throughline clinches seemed quite clear.
IC - Eve
Eve was driven by her directive, and a lot of her conflict came from fulfilling this directive. A “Directive” being a “controlling thought” or “fixed attitude” - I thought that it put her quite strongly in Fixed Attitude
As mentioned previously - Eve seemed all to eager to blast something at first sight. Impulsive Responses
seemed a very good fit.
Also, in the trash compactor sequence, of the movie she changed, giving up on her Directive. Actually throwing the plant away to stay with Wall-E. She changed, her directive not as important as it used to be.
After watching it, this really felt like it was in the Manipulation class. There was quite a few times that touched on this for me.
- AUTO sneaking the plant out of Eve’s compartment so that everything goes back to normal.
- AUTO vs Captain battles revolved around manipulation, skullduggery, hiding of information, there is a lot of battle of wills between Captain and Auto.
- The playing of the hidden video file stating that Operation Clean Up was a failure, Operation Recolonise has been cancelled.
- AUTO not allowing the ship to go back to earth even after the plant had been found.
- The captain hold up his hand in front of the hologram of the plant to trick AUTO into coming into his quarters.
For me it was all about keeping the fact that they weren’t to go back to Earth a secret, and keeping the facade that the plant wasn’t found - meaning that they stay in space.
RS - Wall-E vs Eve
This would put them in Activity. I found it a bit difficult trying to parse out what is RS and what is Protagonist driven in the Wall-E / Eve relationship.
I would say that once Eve has fallen in love with Wall-E, its all about being together. Eve continually tries to keep Wall-E alive so that they can be together.
The fact that she actually goes to put the plant in the receptacle isn’t because she wants the Axion to fulfil Operation Recolonise, rather that she wants to get back to Earth to get the parts to put Wall-E back together. To mend Wall-E and therefore the relationship