Arguing outside of the story

This is super cool…but I have to think about it (only because there already is a Work appreciation in Dramatica…).

Once I have some examples up - it will be interesting to see if it still works as well as Power. (Since it’s supposed to be the effect of a process, which I’m not sure if work works!)


Well, I wasn’t necessarily arguing for the term Work, just the letter W. :slight_smile:

I think the word Power in common parlance gets the concept across better. Especially in terms of what it brings to the rest of the story.

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Thinking about this more.

First, I can imagine Work as a sort of Sheldon-ism (Big Bang Theory): Leonard and Sheldon are standing atop a building watching a huge tsunami bear down on them. Leonard says “Gosh, the sheer power of that wave…” and Sheldon is like “actually, the total amount of Work it will end up doing is far more impressive”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting more serious now, it’s interesting that Work and Energy are actually the same units (joules). Energy is basically the “capacity to do Work”. This makes a lot of sense in terms of what a dramatic circuit is supplying to the rest of the story – setting up the capacity for something to happen, for further conflict. So another term that could be used in place of Power is Energy – and the quad would be PRCE.

Coincidentally, the E would also match up to effect in the “effect of a process” definition.

I like Energy for sure. The only thing with that is that there is Energy in a quad already with Mass Energy Spave and Time. If you take all four at once, Power still fits in better with the other three. But you’re not wrong, it is the “energy” of that quad.

For W, is that meant to stand for Watts? Is that comparable? (Not that Watts fit in with the other three)


Yeah – watts is the SI unit for Power, and capital W is the symbol for it. (Same W as on a 100W light bulb.)
My idea was that you could still call it Power but make the quad PRCW so that there are no repeated letters.

What about Force?


Unless of course there’s a better word for Potential that’s also not so misleading as to mean “Setup”… which isn’t always the case. What about something like “Orientation”-- Potential as in the relative physical position or direction of something?

So then it could just be reversed! haha ORCP

Orc P! Easy to remember.