Sounds good to me, @Jerome. From the screenplay, some other things Birdman says, in V.O.:
-That pretentious, little, theater f**** is stealing your thunder.
-You are lame, Riggan. Rolling around with that third rate actor in an 800 seat shole like this.
-Stop that s. I am not a mental formation. I am “you”, a*****
Birdman (V.O.
You were a movie star, remember?
Pretentious, but happy…
Riggan opens his eyes, slowly. A sad expression on his face.
I was not happy.
…Ignorant but charming. Now you are a
tiny bitter c*******.
Shut up! Stop whining! I was miserable!
Yeah. But fake miserable. Hollywood
Riggan points his fingers at a lamp and sends it flying.
What are you trying to prove? Huh? That
you’re an artist? You’re not.
What part of that don’t you get? You’re
f***** dead.
We are not dead. We’re–
Stop saying ‘we’! There is no ‘we’. I am
not you. I’m Riggan f**** Thomson.
No. You’re Birdman. Because without me, all that’s left is “you”. A sad, selfish, mediocre actor, grasping–
C’mon, buddy. Tell me we’re going back
to the big leagues. Let’s do this. Shave off that pathetic goatee, and put the mask back on! Batman my balls. We’ll start a new franchise. Birdman: Phoenix Rising. Trust me! A billion world wide. Swear to God.
Riggan-Birdman: serious actor vs. Hollywood star.
Sam-Riggan. It would be mostly on page 50, where she says “You’re the one who doesn’t exist. You’re doing this because you’re scared to death, like the rest of us, that you don’t matter. And you know what? You’re right. You don’t. It’s not important. You’re not important. Get used to it.” Other than that I don’t see their interactions as Influence Character.