This might need to split off into a new thread, but I had the chance to see Jurassic Park in the theater today. Hadn’t seen it since I was a kid. I remembered the ending feeling like a triumph, but when I watched it today it really felt like a personal triumph.
The whole story starts with the worker being killed, setting up a lawsuit that is scaring off the investors. Hammond has to get experts to sign off on the park, and clearly is the protagonist. Ian Malcolm is the most antagonist-like in the Dramatica since. At the end, the experts aren’t convinced and Hammond concedes the park should not be opened. There’s a shot showing him sadly looking out on his creation before the escape via helicopter.
All this to say, going back to article linked in the OP, that since Grant seems to be a change character and the OS ends in failure, wouldn’t he actually represent the OS solution element. Making the OS problem Chaos fixes this and makes that deux ex machina seem a little less cheesy.