Difficulty understanding PRCO

I have a bunch of notes on this.

There is a quad instead of scene/sequel in my notes. And also, the Physics Ph D guy that did the Snoflake method upgraded Swain’s work.

I would then expand this into a quad. But, Dilemmas/sequels are Decisions and the Scenes are Actions. Not all scenes are Drivers, but Drivers are communicated trough scenes.

I’m trying to figure out if my quad matches any of Jim’s items for scene construction. But, they definitely match the Drivers in execution. I should probably run it by Jim before I post it.

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LOL. That’s the day I met Jim and Jonny :grinning:. That was my first day in Dramatica.

Positive and Negative charge thing is tough. What you are doing is interesting. I’m weak on the character interactions and don’t know if it translates to scene construction like that.

Does anyone know if they are related?

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What I think is interesting about the Scene and Sequel and the Motivation and Reaction unit is they feel like the spiral nature talked about in Dramatica. You might see them as a mountain and valley or waveform but that’s just a from one perspective. Like the slinky stretched out and looking at it from one POV.

I was thinking about it as Event interactions… but I almost wanted to call them actors… but of course it could be characters as well and that is how Melanie explained it.

I’ve also been trying to reconcile all this with Swain’s

Scene/Action: Goal, Conflict, & Disaster (SRCA + Z Pattern with slide for conflict?)

Sequel/Reaction: Reaction, Dilemma, & Decision (How would I approach a Sequel?)

I like Swain’s intra-scene progressions for catapulting the audience into the next scene, so it would be cool if I could work this out.

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I think this short story has a really good scene / sequel (action / decision) structure.

It’s possible that Swain’s scenes and sequels work really well as Events in a Dramatica Scene. TKAD is internal and external. Scene and sequel are as well.

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