That looks really nice! I have some quibbles with it, though.
EDIT: Oops, I just noticed. You have Start and Stop flipped. In Stop stories, the Overall Throughline and Main Character Throughline are Companion, and in Start stories, they’re Dependent.
First, the organization of the Static Story Types threw me for a bit. I was expecting the Driver types (Goal, Consequence, Cost, Dividend) together and the Passenger types (Requirement, Prerequisites, Preconditions, Forewarnings) together. I… guess they kind of are? Like I said, it threw me at first.
Next, the Symptom isn’t always companion to the Problem. That’s only if it’s a Stop story. If it’s a Start story, then the Symptom is Dependent to the Problem.
The same goes for the Catalyst/Unique Ability. The formula determining what the Catalyst actually is turns out to be very complex, involving not only the choice of Overall Issue but also the Growth, the Problem-Solving Style, and the Outcome or Judgment (depending on the PSS). Also, the Inhibitor isn’t Dynamic to the Catalyst. Again, it’s more complicated, but if the Resolve is Steadfast, it’ll be… Companion, basically. (For example, if the Unique Ability is Rationalization, the Critical Flaw is Hope.)
And same (again) with the Benchmark. The Benchmark is calculated using a super-complex combination of the Resolve, the Problem-Solving Style, the Driver, the Outcome, the Judgment, and the Overall Concern.