"Elysium" Online Analysis -- SPOILERS

I’ve put together a shared storyform setting page on Evernote per something @jhull did in another thread. I thought it was very helpful.

You can find the form at the following location: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s309/sh/e3caca37-3697-4e4c-a4d4-9f93f9583291/2af91e71e5c693a20dca885e0b9c26d1

I apologise for my lack of propriety, guys. Fixed my earlier post in accordance.

But do count me in, for sure. In terms of the main character, I’m with @Writegeist on that one. It seems pretty clear to me that Blompkamp intended Max to be MC. I don’t think he’s the protagonist, though. I also agree that the focus on Kruger and has gang detracted from the emphasis on Max’s personal issues, undermining our emotional connection to his plight. I think Kruger could be a contagonist.

Oh wow, that’s brilliant (regarding Evernote, not the movie). Yes, I agree the MC is Max.

@sean you can pick a element, fill it in, and state your case.

So the order will go:


We can fit others in at the bottom as they come.

Sounds good. After you, then.

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MC Throughline: Activity(or is this Situation?); initially Max is stuck trying to overcome earlier indiscretions. After being exposed to radiation (the story trigger, I think), Max’s motivating is in doing everything he can to get cured, and the only way he can think of doing that is to access the med couches on Elysium.


Dunno, we still haven’t isolated who the IC is. Is it Frey, or Spider, or both?

If it’s Spider, then I’d say his Throughline is maybe Situation. Max has five days to live (Situation), Spider won’t give him a ticket unless he does something for him first (Fixed Attitude).

If it’s Frey, then I’d be more inclined to say Fixed Attitude. Frey’s daughter is dying (Situation), but Max needs to think about saving himself and not her (Fixed Attitude).

Let’s try and focus on why the movie didn’t work, not complain about the fact that it didn’t. Also, I recommend we not jump around randomly around like this, we’re just going to spend more energy than needed to figure this out. There’s a reason for doing stuff in order. I have no doubt Chris Huntley’s approach is the best model to follow.

Who is MC? And why?
Who is IC? And why?
Then each of the Character Dynamics, then the Plot Dynamics, then the OS Throughline starting with Domain, Concern, Issue and then Problem.

Why change what works so well?

Makes sense to me… Rant deletion engaged… And, actually, the decision about who the IC is might be the first issue with the movie… Does the movie have two storyforms, one with Spider as IC and one with Frey? That might solve some of the problems I see with the movie.

I think it does, so why don’t we try a couple of things. First, establish who the IC is (are) and then see how far we can get using a single storyform. When / if we get stuck, then see what happens if we split the story into two storyforms.

Sounds like a plan… From sheer screen real estate time, I’d pick Spider as the IC then. He’s the prime mover in terms of obtaining the information from Carlyle’s head, and he’s the one who has the belief in the ability to create a level playing field for all people. That seems to be a counter-point to Max’s egocentricity.

It seems to me that Max’s ‘situation’ of him dying from radiation poisoning (I agree that it’s the trigger) is causing problems for him, which is what motivates him to get to Elysium at all costs (what @Writegeist said), even brushing aside Frey’s request for help, and later offering up the information in his head to Kruger, even after Spider had told him that the data in his head could save everyone (including Frey’s daughter).

As for Spider, I think he is an objective character, namely the protagonist, as he is the one spearheading (prime mover) what I believe is the OS storyline of ‘opening the borders between earth and Elysium’ (problematic Activities), which he admits himself in one scene. There is even a scene of him trying to do this early on in the story before him and Max even meet, which means it is a concern that involves everyone, not just him and Max, which is why I don’t think he is the IC. On the other hand, it is Frey’s presence (being captured by Kruger) which trigger’s Max’s eventual change of heart, which tells me that the emotional connection (heart of the story) is (supposed to be) between Max and Frey. After all, Spider does make an appeal to him early on, but it is his relationship with Frey, not Spider, which tips the scales.

I think the reason why Spider has so much screen time is that Blompkamp made a mistake, which is why what was supposed to be the subjective throughline (max and Frey) came up so half baked, or more like nonexistent, and implied more than anything, through the flashbacks and all. Which would explain why the heart of the story feels nonexistent, and Max’s ‘character’ development rings false.

Sorry if I’ve gotten too far ahead and talked about too many points here. Just let me know, and I’ll edit my post accordingly.

Those are good arguments for Frey as the IC (heart of the story). But it is also possible for the Protagonist to be the IC (like the film Eastern Promises).

But yeah, Frey and her daughter would seem to be the IC. It’s also suggested, though very subtly through Matt Damon’s performance in his reaction shot, that Max is the father. Haven’t read the script, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they cut a line out and just left it implied. Either way, saving the girl and saving the world are rolled up into one, but her presence does seem to “tip the scales” for Max, so I’m left to agree with @Sean on that one.

@Writegeist, any counter arguments?

Thanks for clearing that up. It was an error on my part to suggest that the IC cannot also be the protagonist.

No counter arguments… Just trying to wrap my head around it. It certainly makes more sense (and I have to admit my negative reaction to the movie is prejudicing me, so I need to try and drop it :blush:). And there is a lot of time spent at the very beginning of the movie to establish the relationship (the heart of the movie) between Max and Frey. So if we’re going for relationship as the main path in identifying the MC and the IC, then it’s seems right for it to be Max and Frey.

Max (MC) and Frey (IC) then?

PS I do think that the fact that Matilda is Max’s child was a little too subtle. Maybe one line of oblique reference or something could have helped and made Max’s change more believable.

@Jerome, are you next?

As per the order originally established, I understand @Sean’s next with MC Resolve, then I’ll be MC Growth, then @Writegeist MC Approach, etc.

Gee, good thing I’m in charge, huh? :wink: Story of my life.

Look at it this way. You’re the boss, I’m the foreman.

Seeing as Max reconsiders his stance on not being able to help Frey and her daughter (and everyone else) I’d probably go with ‘Change’ for MC Resolve.

Yeah, I agree. @Writegeist how about you?

Agreed. Max definitely goes from selfish to selfless motivations. Why he does is still a bit nebulous to me, or at least very abrupt.