I don’t think so. A dishwasher who wants to Obtain the position of painter isn’t worried about who she is as a painter. She’s worried about whether she can get people to pay her and adore her for painting. She’s trying to get her paintings in front of the right people, or maybe she’s trying to reach(/obtain) a certain mastery of the craft, or maybe she’s trying to win first place in the art show. Maybe she’ll deal with issues like not wanting to be a sellout who goes into advertising (Attitude) or refusing to give lessons because she’d rather finish her self portrait (Self-Interest).
A dishwasher who wants to Be a painter isn’t worried about how to get the job or who to put her work in front of–particularly if she is “suddenly getting the chance”–but whether she has what it takes to be a painter (even if she already has the job). She’s probably worried about whether she adequately knows her craft (Knowledge), or if her work is really thought-provoking (Thought), or can her work sit next to that of the master painter at the art show and hold its own.
(Edit:perhaps an easier, and much shorter, way to say it would have been to say that the painter in a Being story is obtaining the position of painter without experiencing any inequity from or through the area of obtaining, but that is exactly where a painter in an Obtaining story would experience inequity.)