Pixar's Coco: Storyform Analysis

Yeah, I wasn’t really advocating for it. As I was typing it up, the gnome on my shoulder was saying, “Hey – it’s not a subject chart.”

Gotcha. Didn’t mean to imply that you were. Just using it as a springboard to the next level. I like Attract/Repel over Work/Attempt for Miguel and I’ll have to get back in front of my laptop at lunch, but I think I had Precinditions/Requirements for OS.
(Edit: it may not be time to go to the next level if others have questions about the Concerns. I’m not usually too confident in my analyzing abilities, and got excited that I feel like I know what’s going on in this one…at least for the Domains and Concerns)

I’m afraid as Monday has kicked in, I may be scarce for the week.

Shoot. Guess that means All of us are dealing with Issues of Preconditions then, huh?

I really love the MC quad of issues. That attract/repel feels really strong. It reminds me a little of Remy in Ratatouille, being drawn to a life that’s determined to be ‘off-limits’ to him.

May I ask what the goal would be for a concern of Learning? The lower-right was pretty much the one set of concerns that I didn’t consider (go figure!), so my brain isn’t quite caught up yet.


Learning that Grandma Coco Actually Loves Her Dad’s Music. Learning Goals always tend to be something that is “learned” by the end of the story - the learning process is what is in conflict here, so it’s really not something they outright say, like “I want to learn such and such”

But you can definitely see how Secret Bad Guy™️ didn’t want anyone to LEARN what he had done (Prevent/Reconsider)


Ah, okay. So it’s more of an unstated goal as opposed to, say, Spotlight’s “learning the truth about the Catholic Church”. Got it.

I was thinking of the Goal as something like “learning how to get everyone across the bridge”. That’s not stated either, but Mama Imelda and Hector both get to cross the bridge once everyone learns that Coco likes papa’s music, and Miguel gets to play music after that, too. The Goal as Jim states it works much better because it ties the OS to the MC.

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Not a lot going on in this thread anymore, so I’m just going to throw this out there. I had Miguel as Proaction. When he talks to the mariachi and takes the guitar to play, he gets in trouble. When he takes his grandfathers guitar he gets cursed. When he plays for Coco, he solves the problem. I had Acceptance and Non-Acceptance as symptom and response, though I’m not at my laptop and don’t remember which was which. Finding it hard to remember specific events to back it up with as well. I think that put the OS Problem on Evaluation. Miguel’s evaluation of Mama Imelda’s blessing leads to his refusal of the blessing. The families evaluation of why Héctor didn’t return led to him being removed from the ofrenda.
@jhull, what did you have?


:blush: :thumbsup:


There is no emoji that can fully express how excited I am right now!


Wow. Very cool! :tada:
Can you explain the strategy as his critical flaw? Does that play in anywhere? Possibly when he’s trying to get into the party his strategy is to do the contest but he gets discovered by hector about who he truly is. Only thing that comes to mind. If you can go further into detail how it plays with a steadfast MC that would be great.

I’m excited for you! It’s like that moment in My Fair Lady where Eliza just absolutely nails it. Great job, Greg!

This storyform is not one I’d have gone for at all, but it’s also worth noting that it’s been a while since I’ve seen it (because Disney released it late in the UK for some reason), so when I revisit it, hopefully it’ll make more sense.


Just realized Mike gave away the element that saps Miguel’s drive at the beginning of the conversation.

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Would the strategy of trying to connect with Ernesto De La Cruz be Miguel’s CF? Even if he got EDLC’s blessing, it would not have helped because they are presumably not family after all. And though this strategy leads to Hectors murder being solved, it also leads to Miguel being tossed into a pit.

…actually, that might be more in the OS? Maybe his strategy of hiding his music stuff is his critical flaw. If he had played in front of grandma Coco at the beginning instead of hiding Dante and his guitar under the ofrenda he could have saved himself a lot of trouble.


I really like this explanation. It’s more personal to him and something we see from the very beginning.

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I think that’s a really good way of looking at it, because (as you expanded) – it would have had a much different effect had it come out earlier.

But where it is, I wouldn’t say it “saps his motivation” but rather proves his side of the argument, since it’s at the end.

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Good point. Reason I used “saps his motivation” was to avoid using the term “Solution” since he’s a Steadfast character. I was just pointing out that his problem was already given in the thread all along. But “proves his side of the argument” is a much better way of looking at it for sure given that it’s what the rest of the story built up to.

Sorry for the late response. I love the storyform choices. I felt that the lower-right concerns are definitely stronger than lower-left. When I was trying to shift my storymind to the lower-left concerns in my previous post, I struggled to find even those three potential examples of Héctor’s Concern as Subconscious. Also, Attraction is perfect for the Issue in Miguel’s throughline.

On a different note, I’m curious about how Héctor’s resolve is illustrated, especially since Miguel is Steadfast.

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Re-evaluation - we don’t think you’re a jerk anymore. (and he reassesses himself as well)

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