PSR Appreciations - UTurn and Hairpin

Here’s how I’m annotating an act 3 distortion, what Types the PSR variations sit under. I’m showing the original Type is Understanding, but because of the distortion by act 3 the variations sit under a blend of Understanding/Obtaining, with more Obtaining.

So the tension in the winding of the model is where the variations ‘should be’, and where they finally belong as the story unwinds. Hmm thinking about what this means, what it implies … the variations are theme, the types are plot. Soo…so wound up they’re separated from their true place in relation to plot? Creates a good ‘disjoint’ feeling that needs to be resolved. And over time we ‘feel’ the themes becoming more surfaced in the plot, as a result of their shifting position in the dynamically unwinding structure? As the lines ‘straighten’ over time?

@jhull That feels like it might make sense but just a guess. this would give the feeling of joining meaning with the events of the story. It could also explain how you have that sense of ‘i don’t know what’s going on, why these topics keep coming up’ at the beginning of the story, but as the story unwinds and the variations click into their proper places, you go, oh, so THAT’s why it felt like this.

In this case, notice the feeling: we are no longer content to simply have the Interpretation, Understanding is too cold, we want to Obtain it, we desire it, are hungry for it, are desperate for it, it eludes us and we cry out for it. We want to rise above our Conditioning, overcome our worst instincts, and pay attention to our senses. Shifting our relationship to the Type shifts our relationship to the variations in the quad, and to the quad as a blended whole.

I’m also noting two leftward shifts in the third and fourth acts.

A few weeks ago I made this annotation from a note in story encoding, and I think it supports what I’m thinking about type-blending in the temporal progression of the PSR

I’m guessing Type Distortion (or Type Shifting) in the PSR temporal progression looks something like this.

This is just a guess. I think the important things to understand:

  1. they shift
  2. they shift to get closer to true meaning
  3. they’re separated from true meaning to wind up the model and create tension at beginning of story, and a journey to embark on
  4. just make sure they end up with their true meaning, their true Type

there has to be a space between theme and plot or there’s no story, in other words. When there’s no space, you just make a flat our statement. When there’s space, you make the journey, closing the distance, and you tell us how you got there, and share the experience.
