Okay, look. If my last post was experimental, this idea is even more so. I probably shouldn’t even talk about this, since it’s total speculation on my part. That being said…
Okay, so Analysis of Frozen. Deduction, Induction, Reduction, and Production. Elsa’s first Act is all about Reduction: because of her condition, there are certain possibilities she simply can’t entertain. However, when she reveals her powers and escapes Arendelle, suddenly she’s flooded with new opportunities. She Produces an entirely new way of living. …That is, until she discovers the horrible curse she’s blanketed over Arendelle. Suddenly, this new way of living doesn’t work for her. Her method of thinking turns to Induction: if I am alive, the curse exists; if I die, then the curse will probably fade. (I always have trouble with Induction, but this seems like probabilistic thinking rather than Deduction, as I will reveal presently.) When Anna sacrifices herself, Elsa’s method of analysis changes once more. She puts together all the pieces and Deduces the truth about her powers: she creates ice when she is stressed or scared, but with love, she can undo it. This achieved, she accepts her powers and restores Arendelle to its natural state.
Are Anna’s strategies perfectly dynamic again? Her order would be Production, Reduction, Deduction, Induction. …Maybe? I’ll leave it to you to think about it. I wanna try a couple more.
Approach: Act 1, Logic: “Conceal, Don’t Feel.” Act 2, Feelings: “Let it Go!”. Act 3, Reconsider? Something-something “I was wrong, I’m a monster.” Act 4: Consider? Something-something “I can finally use my powers free of fear.”
Value: Act 1, Effect: “If you just don’t create any negative effects, you can playact at being normal.” Act 2, Unproven: “Maybe you can create something valuable out here.” Act 3, Cause: “You have caused such horrible suffering–to Arendelle and to your sister!” Act 4, Proven: “Anna and I love each other; that much I know.”
Situation: Act 1, Perception: “I must appear normal.” Act 2, Chaos: “Out in the wilderness, I am free from any societal chains.” Act 3, Actuality: “I’ve created a horrible world. I can’t hide away from reality.” Act 4, Order: “I can set the world right.”
This is… really fascinating from an analytical standpoint. (Again, don’t take it at face value; I’m making it up as I go along.) Now, I wonder if/how I can use this to actually write stories? 
EDIT: …Don’t know why I did all of these for Elsa, the Influence Character, rather than for Anna or the Overall Throughline. Guess Elsa’s arc stuck with me more.