We’re not supposed to bring in our own version of Dramatica to this forum. That’s cool. That makes a lot of sense. I fully support it.
At the same time, it seems that some people have provided some really awesome content to help with Dramatica. I’m thinking of Armando, for example. Yet, Mr. Hull stated that Armando does not equal Dramatica. So, I’m assuming that all the stuff that Armando has provided is free to use, perhaps even encouraged to be used, but is Armando’s own version of Dramatica.
Mr. Hull has also created some really awesome content to help with Dramatica. I’m assuming that all that Mr. Hull has provided is free to use (unless stated otherwise as in the case of the Atomizer), perhaps even encouraged to be used. I know that many people find his work and thoughts incredibly helpful.
Who is permitted to speak for Dramatica? Who’s content is considered, by default, official and not just John Doe’s own version of Dramatica? Mrs. Philips and Mr. Huntley’s content is obviously enough official if they state it is. Then, there are the people Mrs. Philips and Mr. Huntley have identified as Dramatica experts. I assume those people have some greater authority than everyone else. If those people create content, is it official?