In my perpetual quest to wrap my head around distinguishing between domains, I was thinking about what often appears to be the most obvious domain – situation – and what seems like an especially obvious example: a guy is stuck down a well. Let’s assume this is definitively assigned to the Main Character throughline – that it’s really only the main character who’s dealing with this. Leaving aside goofy ideas like “maybe the guy lives in a well”, I’m curious how being stuck in a well might not be in the domain of Situation.
The following examples could all be wrong, but this is what came to mind:
Situation: A person falls down a well and can’t get out. It’s not their fault and they’re trying everything reasonable to get out, but until some new external factor comes along, they’re stuck.
Manipulation: A person suffering from ever-worsening self-esteem falls down a well. They could get out if they tried, but they can’t bring themselves to do so, interpreting this accident as evidence they’d be better off dead, and thus just waiting to die.
Fixed Attitude: A person falls down a well and could probably get out if they tried hard enough, but doesn’t believe they have the strength to do it. So they just keep waiting for someone to rescue them.
Activity (this one I’m the least sure of): A person falls down a well and could get out if they figured out the right method, but they keep trying to climb up, falling down each time, and thus getting more and more injured.
I’m wondering if these examples are correct in terms of Dramatica, and thus get some sense of the boundaries between what a throughline looks like on the surface versus what actually defines it. So am I way off base here? Are they all situation, regardless?