36 Dramatic Situations as Gists

I was wondering if anyone was interested in trying to identify where the 36 dramatic situations could fit in the dramatica model.

I’m assuming if we treated them like gist’s each one could potentially fit in more than one place, but I find they really help with brainstorming new scenes / sequences ect.

I imagine if we looked at the individual variants for each dramatic situation, we could more closely pinpoint where each variant sits. I’m assuming, some of the dramatic situations will have variants that are all over the map. Maybe pin point more than one place that would best fit that variant.

I figured I’d start with one and see if anyone bites. I’m finding it challenging pinning them to certain parts of the model.

Figured we could start with Erroneous Judgement.

PRECONCEPTION: Variant D4: False suspicion thrown upon an innocent because he has refused to be an accomplice

Sounds like the OS for the Fugitive. Kimble is basically framed for his wife’s murder because he won’t go along with the new big pharma drug if I remember correctly and the rest of the OS characters think he killed his wife.


Erroneous Judgment


* The Mistaken One
* The Victim of the mistake
* The Cause or Author of the mistake
* The Guilty Person


The Mistaken One makes some judgment about or is suspicious about the Victim, instead of the Guilty Person. This is due to some Cause or is caused by the Author of the mistake.


1. Suspicion where faith is necessary
2. False suspicion
3. False suspicions aroused by the a misunderstood attitude of a loved one
4. False suspicions aroused by indifference

1. False suspicions drawn upon oneself to save a friend
2. False suspicions fall upon the innocent
3. False suspicions fall upon the innocent spouse of the guilty one
4. False suspicions fall upon an innocent but guilty-intentioned
5. False suspicions fall upon an innocent who believes themselves guilty
6. A witness to a crime, in the interests of loved one, lets accusation fall upon the innocent

1. The accusation is allowed to fall upon an enemy
2. The error is provoked by the enemy
3. The mistake is directed against the victim by her brother

1. False suspicion thrown by the real culprit upon one of his enemies
2. False suspicion thrown by the real culprit upon the second victim against which he has plotted from the beginning
3. False suspicion thrown upon a rival
4. False suspicion thrown upon an innocent because he has refused to be an accomplice
5. False suspicion thrown by a deserted mistress upon a lover who left her because he would not deceive her husband
6. Struggle to rehabilitate oneself and to avenge a judicial error purposely caused