I’ve been rereading a bunch of old articles recently and came across this one again.
Toward the end, there’s a description of Ability and Desire. Seeing them as equivalent to Space and Time was difficult and strange, but I was eventually able to find a way to accept it. But after reading this article, I was like oh, yeah, that should actually be pretty easy to do.
Basically, it describes Ability at the thoton (internal equivalent to a photon) level as being the amount of an observation one has observed or considered before, as how familiar one is with an observation. Just as an example, lets call the entirety of The Shawshank Redemption a single observation. If you can quote the entire movie word for word, you are familiar with the entire space of that observation. The whole thing. But if you tried to watch it once and turned it off because the scene where the new fish gets beaten to death was just too much, then your ability regarding TSR would be the space of about 10-15 minutes of a 2 hour movie. So just as you might have the ability to run only one mile(space) of a marathon, you’d have the ability to be familiar with about 8% of the space that makes up TSR.
Desire, then, is described as something like the probability that a thoton will fire, or the likelihood that one will think about something. As a buildup of knowledge decays, a thoton can spontaneously fire. This is thought. As a thotons instability grows from repeated observations, it becomes more likely to fire and will even sometimes fire without stimulation. The probability of firing, the article says, is what is meant by desire. The probability of firing, like time, is an ever growing number…well, ever growing until the thoton fires, at which point I assume the number resets. Because probability is a growing number (except for that reset) it’s like the amount of time until one thinks of something.
Another way to put it would be that as time is the evolution of space, desire is the evolution (growing probability of thinking about something) of ability.
Had to type fast and no time for proofreading, but hopefully that makes sense more than it muddies the waters.