Another Tip on Plotting the RS


  1. @jhull’s new article on the RS
  2. The idea that the Author acts as a therapist to their characters regarding the RS
  3. The name Subtext of the nice app.

This idea isn’t new. Instead, it’s a reiteration of a practical nature for existing ideas that has worked for me. Obviously, writing processes differ, and it may not work for someone else. Also, it really only works well only if there is already a draft (or written ideas at minimum) to source from.

As I’m reiterating and strengthening my RS, I’m not thinking about the characters, and I’m almost not even thinking about the relationship as an object. Instead, I’m searching for those areas of my draft that involve conflict between the characters that make up the relationship. (Specifically, that are affecting how these characters relate to one another.) Or, said another way, the areas where I’d have been required to “read between the lines” in a Literature class.

Any time I try to describe these areas, it becomes impossible to do so without considering the tension, the feelings, the vibrations, the aura between the sources intended for these moments. (I was going to write ‘characters’ where I wrote ‘sources’, except that ‘sources’ better conveys my intent…)

Just sayin’. Hopefully this helps someone! :wink: