How well do you guys think the Be-er/Do-er classifications line up with the introverts and extroverts? It seems to be overwhelming correlation.
To anyone that understands MBTI - there also seems to be a (lesser) correlation with Holistic and Ti users vs. Linear and Te users.
Thus, if you want to find examples of [insert be-er/doer and introvert/extrovert] for inspiration on your next story OR if they have a character in mind and want to confirm their throughline (e.g. Do-er = Physics or Situation) then visit google or MBTI Databank and search for the following:
in the case of Do-er / Linear - ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFP, ESFP
in the case of Do-er / Holistic - ENTP, ESFJ, ENFJ, ESTP
in the case of Be-er / Linear - INTJ, ISTJ, INFP, ISFP
in the case of Be-er / Holistic - INTP, ISFJ, INFJ, ISTP
*it’s not always the case, but it seems extremely accuate (the only cavaet being perhaps with ESTP, which I feel could be linear)
P.S. Knowing MBTI very well, i’m 100% convinced, the difference between the writers you who like to discover the story as they going along vs. those that like to structure everything first is a classic case of Ne (extroverted intution) vs. Ni (introverted intution) - Ne wants to explore different possilbities (can feel uncomfortable when closing off options) whilst Ni wants to synthesise down and arrive at conclusions (for this reason, these types find brainstorming frustrating) - I would be suprised if most of the members here aren’t INFPs (Ne as 2nd main function) or INFJs (Ni as main function) - these two types are the posterboys for each respective function in writing