my rough thoughts:
OS problem: Activity>Understanding>Interpretation>Equity: everyone is dealing with the fragile balance between humans and replicants, their relative status. the discovery of evidence that a replicant was able to give birth throws this balance into jeopardy for the few who know about it, bc if replicants can give birth then their status would be raised to “soulful” beings no lesser than humans, unique and special at birth (not replicas).
MC problem: Fixed Attitude>Memories>Falsehood>Equity: K overlooks his questionable memory of being a child, believing it is an implant, then later believing it is real, back and forth, diverting his investigation into deeper and deeper trouble. All the while he tries to remain cool and “above base line” (i.e. artificially balanced) so that he is not retired himself. his attempt to maintain his stable cool, amidst intrigue around his childhood memory, cracks. Also to other people (humans and other replicants, he’s always getting called out for being mr cool guy slave amidst obvious inequity just below the surface of the 2049 culture)
I wasn’t able to identify a clear influence character or relationship thru-line. main candidate for IC is Deckard, but he arrives too late and is unknown to K for at least half the story, unless his influence as an anonymous father figure count. Joi could have been an interesting IC but she is gone too soon and maybe not written with enough agency to offer K a perspective other than the idea that he’s special. but it turns out he’s not special at all.
Is Luv/Wallace the protagonist? like michael clayton style? who ultimately fails to understand the truth about Deckard/replicant birthing?