The usual formula seems to be that characters are motivated by a problem which they don’t recognize. Unaware of the true problem, they focus on the wrong thing (the symptom) instead of the solution they need to resolve it. A change character, with the help of the IC, recognizes this and changes. A steadfast character never does.
After beating my head against Dramatica, I think I finally found the right form for one of my two MCs. (It’s a rather sprawling novel.) It works out to: Motivated by the problem of Control, the Female Main Character focuses on Avoidance and responds with Pursuit. It isn’t perfect (or doesn’t seem to be right now) but a lot of the story points seem to fall into place. (At least more than the many other storyforms I’ve tried.)
The FMC, dealing with feelings of non-acceptance in a rigid, formal, xenophobic and performance-based society, desperately seeks to Obtain Acceptance, first by earning it through an unrestrained pursuit of perfection. (which becomes physically harmful to her.) Then, when provoked by the IC, she turns her attention to first pursuing then guaranteeing the MMC’s acceptance through an intimate relationship.
Her uncontrolled behavior causes problems for everyone around her (First because, despite her high social status, she has a foreign boyfriend. Later because of her apparent disregard of public social standards.)
Lots of things happen and she eventually seems to find acceptance in a public career which requires her to adopt a false personality and act in an increasingly controlled manner. This causes her relationship with the MMC to disintegrate and makes her so miserable she contemplates suicide.
It is only when she returns to her uncontrolled behavior, abandoning her career, that she is able to repair her relationship with the MMC and find happiness. Ironically, through the help of her original IC, she even finds a greater public acceptance in the end.
I’m thinking Avoidance works as her problem because the reason she feels Non-Acceptance was initially due to the Avoidance of her awe-struck peers, and later, the hand-off IC’s insistence she avoid exposing her history and true identity–especially her relationship with the MMC.
Her response of Pursuit, with the goal of Obtaining Acceptance, seems right. But it is the Uncontrolled nature of her Pursuit that causes most of her problems while also providing the ultimate solution for her satisfaction.
But a Steadfast character isn’t supposed to adopt the solution, and yet Uncontrolled is an integral part of her response, the source of much of her problems as well as her ultimate solution. So can the solution also be part of the response for a Steadfast character? Or does adopting the solution make her a Change character–even though it is a part of her response from the very beginning?
It seems the majority of my stories have steadfast characters. I don’t know why I seem to like them so much. When it comes to finding the right storyform, they seem to be such problems. I wonder what quad that would be in.
Assuming this storyform holds up, I still have to figure out the MMC’s form.
Being a foreigner in a xenophobic society, his domain would seem to be Situation–especially the situation of his relationship with a very high-profile girl. Being motivated by others non-acceptance, his response is mostly to Avoid attracting attention (which clearly becomes impossible.) But I don’t know if Pursuit is his focus or Support his solution. Certainly not his support, can the solution lay in the actions of other characters?
I feel another headache coming on.