Challenge: Dramatica guessing game!

There is a brand new comprehensive analysis on the Dramatica site that I’m really excited about. I think Jim is going to blog or post on here about it soon, but before he lets the cat out of the bag, I thought it would be cool to see if people could guess.

Don’t check the analysis site, that’s cheating!

Can you guess the newly analyzed film based only on these 4 clues?

  1. The Overall Story Concern is Conceiving.
  2. Hint 1 is really all you need. Really! And that’s the biggest clue of all!
  3. Okay, for a bit more help, recall that like any Dramatica term it can be negative, like lack of conceiving, or poor conceptions, or another negative… EDIT: to make it a bit easier, there is a single word, which is a negative of a Conceiving, that is spoken several times in one sequence in the film. I’m sure everyone
    who’s seen it remembers it, because it was hilarious! (Note this word is not the film’s title.)
  4. Three clues is plenty but I had to make a quad so … the film came out in the 80s.

EDIT2: another big clue is in the thread below

…“Robocop?” :stuck_out_tongue: I have no idea. I’m sure it’s some really obvious movie that I haven’t seen, “Misconceptions” or “The Big Idea” or whatever. Apparently, I need to watch more 80s movies. (EDIT: Also, it must be somewhere I didn’t look, because I didn’t see it in the Recent Updates or on the analysis page. Yes, I did try to cheat. :wink: EDIT EDIT: Found it. Won’t give it away.)

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:sunglasses: Thanks for playing @actingpower.

Okay, maybe the clues were too vague. To make clue 3 more specific, there is a single word, which is a negative of a Conceiving, that is spoken several times in one sequence in the film. I’m sure everyone whose seen it remembers it, because it was hilarious!

I’ll admit I wasn’t able to get it from the clues, so I cheated too. Haha. But yes I’m excited to look over that one as well.

The lack of conceiving really is a good clue, I just didn’t land on quite the right phrasing to figure it out.

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My best guess would be Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Long time no see, everyone, by the way!

Nice try, but no. Good to see you again Rod!

I think you should mention that this “lack of conceiving” word is not necessarily a verb. That’s what got me stuck, to be honest.

Okay yeah, thanks Bob. I was holding off giving this other clue but this should help hopefully:

When you hear what it is, you might be like, oh, it’s ________ that I didn’t get it!

Hmm, I gave up, and now I’m trying to find it in the comprehensive analyses… but i can’t seem to figure out how to locate the latest ones…

You keep saying “clues.” I don’t think that words means what you think it means.


What? IN…comprehensible?

Inconceivable? Princess Bride. Haha.

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That’s hilarious Mike – even more so because I was going to log on here and write the exact same thing, even substituting the word “clue” for “word” in Inigo’s quote. Awesome.

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You got it Brian! You win!

EDIT: unless @MWollaeger 's joke was a guess, then he was the first one to get it – not sure Mike if you already knew from another source?

I already knew. I hope I didn’t blow the game for you.

No! Like I said, I was actually going to post that exact clue/joke when I opened Discuss, and saw that you’d already done it!

Well, Mike spoiled the surprise, but yes we now have an official comprehensive analysis for The Princess Bride.

My thoughts on the analysis

Direct link to The Princess Bride analysis

OK, can you spell it out? I looked over every film title of the 80’s.

@mlucas – that’s a great, very comprehensive analysis. Nice work!!

It’s almost incredible how many examples you found, and yet, the story doesn’t feel remotely thin or biased towards “just a few things” – the reverse: it feels super rich!

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Thanks Mike! That means a lot. Of course I was lucky that Goldman and Reiner made it so easy. I think I’ll start another thread to talk about the process. EDIT: here it is

Sorry for spoiling the surprise Jim @jhull! I just couldn’t wait to share I guess. :grin:

@Prish, sorry the clues were so vague … you really had to luck out and hit on the word Inconceivable to get it.

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