I don’t have any specific examples prepared, but your replies have made me rethink parts of my story. I may indeed have a tale on my hands, rather than a Grand Argument Story.
@mlucas indeed my MC would be where my IC is, if I were to swap the Costs with the Dividends, domain-wise.
I suppose writing a tale is all right. My story is a sci-fi fantasy, after all. I want my MC to be Change/Stop/Do-er/Logical, in a Decision/Optionlock/Failure/Good story.
I want to tell a story where going after one’s Innermost Desires costs a person the Future, but plotting that in the story engine flips too many other Story Points for my MC, making him unrecognizable (to me) and unrelatable to the majority of my audience (according to the the Theory).
I think the right fit for my story is to break the GAS and go with my instincts.
What effect would flipping the costs and dividends have on my story, and the audience?
I suppose what I meant by positive and negative would be illustrated by using a gambler as an example. What if the cost to get to his goal is giving up the (negative) habit of gambling his paychecks away? So his cost would be giving up something negative, which is positive, right? So in such a story the cost would be seen as a positive thing, throwing away a negative and costly (no pun intended) habit.
(I do realize that I’m jumping to the Audience appreciations as well as perhaps the Subjective Story, with my example.)
I just want to have a clearer understanding of how a writer can play with Costs and Dividends.