Doom Patrol - Analysis (Quirky)

While looking for a series to practice writing one pagers (something I’m working on as the first step of my writing process), I stumbled across Doom Patrol.

Has anyone seen this?

It is possible to buy access online to a number of DC series for about 8 bucks a month at You could probably binge watch most of the series that interest you in one month.

Anyway, Doom Patrol had a pretty cool first episode. There are 15 episode in the series though I’ve only watched the first.

I believe that each episode will be like a sequence (creating a season length Storyform) with the final episode ending on a cliffhanger. This is just a theory as I haven’t watched anything but the first episode.

It is definitely a quirky series.

I’m interested to know what you all thing about it analysis-wise. I’ll hold back any ideas about that until some folks say they’ve watched it.

Oh, Brendan Fraser rocks

P.S. The reason I make this obvious statement about an episode being a sequence is because the variations of sequences can be confusing. However, in television, the sequence is really rigid and easily identified.