First off I’m a plotter and I’m loving this software.
Secondly, I’m also a computer putz so bear with me.
I know and understand that once I’ve gotten down to one story form it’s now up to me to write my story (and not in Dramatica)
- How do I change my main character from Be-er to Do-er? I go to click on Be-er and it won’t change.
- I finished all the questions and it says to click “Done” Where the heck is “Done”?
- Congratulations you are down to one story form - Yet I can’t see or find the story form (slippery sucker) I can compare my work in progress to. I would also like to have a peek at the list of them. Where do I go for this?
I haven’t been this excited about writing in a long time. I get how my character should be acting (Internal Conflict) and the things that are keeping them apart (External Conflict)
Thank you