Dramatica and the Torah

At present I am working on using “the Brain9” software to do a similar thing with the theory and also translate the conceptual models into Virtual Reality using NODA. It is very much a work in progress since my angle has a wider interest concerning - Dramatica as a conceptual model related to quarternary underpinnings of Jewish thought, and the nature of the Torah, drush and legal frameworks, I find the 4 letter name of G_d interesting - particularly the doubling of one letter as the foundational structure of the Universe, in a mathematical relationship, and, dare I say it these days a Kabbalistic framework, perhaps aligned with Abulafia and his atecedents, but the work is ongoing. Hopefully I will be able to complete some of the work on these ‘mind maps’ in the coming months. The work would be freely available.

WOAH! Where did you come from? :open_mouth:

Your work sounds amazing. Please be sure to post about it when you have something you want to share.

The Brain 9 is an improvement on, but not a solution to the caveats you mention but in conjunction with embedded Docear processing it is possible to ‘work around’ these. VR processing is the real jewel, and whilst NODA is in very early stages the possibilities are immense. Working with the tools we have is always a frustration, and we have to make do, the creators of TheBrain for instance, are always very keen to develop or suggest workarounds, or so has been my experience.

Thanks for your comment - I need to become more proficient with the Dramatica theory, it resonates on so many levels with Jewish mysticism and the nature of the Torah. For instance; the ‘stories’ in the Torah are non-linear, nor are they considered to be ‘history’. Indeed the Kabbalists and Chazal (a collective name for a group of sages of Talmudic times) would consider the whole of the Torah (first five Books of the Bible or Pentateuch) as the story of one soul and not a history at all (I cant go into that here) - the true nature of this ‘Story Mind’ of course echoes the quarternary name of G_d a Yud, a He, a vaw, and a He (notice the doubling of the He) this four letter name of course in this metaphysical language is THE Storymind which if read correctly (in the language of branches) reveals the underlying structure and (the Kabbalists would argue) the structure of ‘creation’ itself. The more I learn about Dramatica I can see a resonance here…but as I said early days and speculative, luckily I live on a remote island (pop. 60), with very few distractions, a fast computer and internet and I am retired, so I should get somewhere, I’ve been looking for this for 40 odd years. I’m always open to discussion on Skype or in VR in VTIME, Altspace or Facebook Spaces :slight_smile:

I want to live on a remote island with 60 people!

If it’s OK with you I’d like to split this off into another topic…

Absolutely if you think its apposite :smile:

LOL we’ll see.

I’m SUPER interested in this repeated letters of He which sounds an awful lot like the blending of Space/Time, Ability/Desire in the quad. I’m not as familiar with the specifics as you are (raised Catholic) but am always interested in anything that relates to Dramatica’s quad theory.

Is it the small and windswept island of Comino?

There is so much here to explain especially about the nature of ‘drush’ or commentary which is essential to a ‘Jewish’ approach to the text. Just as a background I am technically a Roman Catholic although effectively excomunicate (and thats a long story) - I was an education coordinator for my Parish and Diocese and long before the Da Vinci code made Opus Dei mainstream (if totally innacurate) I had a run in with them. However I was also trained by a Chassidic Rabbi in my 20’s and now study with WebYeshiva online. Back to Dramatica I came across this theory about ten years ago, and indeed it helped my wife get her novel off the ground, in the planning stages [Avalina Kreska : The AdderStane ]. Only recently have I returned to it with different eyes and the ‘Kabbalistic’ connections seem to be valid!!?? Anyway enough of this, writing for me is not my medium, speaking is far easier (just lazy I guess). Anyway thanks for this reception to the forum.

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Its the small windswept island of Fetlar in the Shetland Islands. My old aerial photography site shows it at www.fetlaraerial.com.

The place is gorgeous.

What? Are you saying it’s somehow better than this?!:

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When I see that, I can only think This was nobody’s goal. :confused:

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Which Fetlar or the picture above? :slight_smile:

Seriously I’m very fortunate.


Four letters sounds like a Qu-d. :wink:

The only thing better than living on an island with a population of 60 would be to buy an island. Alas, only billionaires or eccentric actors (who sometimes are almost billionaires) can afford that generally.

The fact that you have fast internet too… my idea of heaven. I’m in China. The idea of fast internet behind the Great Firewall of China is dubious.

The result is I get Jim’s pollution levels and dial-up internet speed (sometimes).

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I am thrilled with your project. I’m a Jew who’s been studying the Torah in Hebrew, both the text and underlying patterns. I’ve also been studying Kabbalah — it’s truisms come naturally — especially the Tree of Life. As a side note, I’ve wanted to write a screenplay of the Exodus story that’s more accurate to the book than movies we’ve seen so far. I’d make Moses (change) and YHVH (steadfast) the relationship story.


YHVH is certainly the Impact Character.

When exploring the name YHVH, I’ve found some ancient copies of texts copied by rabbis included the vowels. When vowels are added, it comes out as Yehovah. The yud would translate as “He (does this)”. Its remainder is Hvh. Now the vowels in the original unconjugated verb derive different meanings for this verb. According to doitinhebrew.com

heevah — to constitute
hayah — to exist, to be

ehyeh play on words? translated in Exodus as I am that I am.
The wife of Adam in Genesis is named Khavah (“kh” being the letter chet or khet), which may be a relation to this word. It would be existence being linked with Adam (meaning blood, red, and soil), which is a more physical substance.

Here’s an interesting, possibly intentional, link with the word customarily translated in English Bibles as “God”. The Hebrew is Elohim, a plural ending of the Canaanite term for deity, but always having words conjugated in singular form. There’s an interesting book I own by Stan Tenen called The Alphabet That Changed the World. It proposes that Elohim alludes to the vastness, the holistic wide expanse. In contrast, YHVH could represent the singular point in time. He uses the analogy of the flame on a candlestick. I see this as possibly linking to the Dramatica principle of “space” and “time” in the objective story limit and holistic and linear in the problem-solving style.

This has been a suspicion of mine for years… that the word ehyeh in Exodus is a play on the name of YHVH. Ehyeh literally means “will be”. YHVH tells Moses to tell the Israelites that this is his name, as proof of his existence. Furthermore, Ehyeh is spelled aleph-hei-yud-hei, which simply hei-yud-hei with the prefix letter (aleph) meaning “I (future tense)”.

Chris has pointed out the Dramatica principle that cultures have blind spots in regard to the chart of elements. Americans tend to have stories with concerns in the lower left quadrant (obtaining, inner desires and fears, the future, becoming). This is the sweet spot. These quads can also be seen as domains of methodology elements, evaluations, motivations, etc. Our strong point, Motivations, is the lower left quad. We argue, however, over whether we are the collective United States or whether we are individual states.

What is the sweet spot for Middle Esterners? Does that show up as a preference in the Bible?