I was playing “pet shops” with my 6 year-old daughter today and noticed some strange patterns!
I’ve always known that we often settle on similar games, often repeating the same style. In the style of play I’m thinking of, I play an antagonist type character. Here are some examples:
- The “overbearing parent” who doesn’t want the kids to do anything fun because it’s “too dangerous”
- The “grumpy adult” who thinks kids are gross and ruin everything, and shouldn’t be allowed to use anything, or eat anything except bugs and dirt because the good food is for the adults
- The “long-standing group member” (usually a puppy) who doesn’t agree with accepting anyone new into the group
And I realize that in all of these cases my antagonist character is motivated by Oppose. He doesn’t really have any good reason for disagreeing, he just disagrees with everything the others do, a total nay-sayer. He also can’t really do much other than Oppose because my daughter won’t let him!
Now what’s really interesting is that in my current story I’m working on, the OS, RS, and IC Problem is all Oppose. Maybe all these games have made me desperate to work these issues out? (LOL) Or maybe there’s something deeper causing me to always gravitate towards this sort of thing…
Even neater, I just realized that anytime I try to bring Support into it, my daughter stops me with a “no wait, pretend that didn’t happen” because she knows that it means the game might be coming to an end!