Dramatica in Schools

Dramatica should be taught, on a basic level, at least, in school. It should be used to help children develop better communication skills as well as an aid to story writing and reading. I know it is not taught in English Schools, I don’t know about America … is it? I think the 4 Classes, 16 types, and the 64 variations are to storytelling and storyencoding what DNA is to life. (Emm Gowan)


At the very least, there should be a Ted Talk.


Honestly a TED talk! I think it’s criminally unpopular. The risk manager for the organization I now work in gave a talk today. After she was done, I went to her and introduced her to some aspect of Quad thinking. She was blown away by the revelation. So just imagine the reaction on that scale.:astonished:


Look up the article “A Conceptual Tour of Mental Relativity” for more on the similarities to DNA.


Forgive … What’s a TED talk. Emm.

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Here’s a short brief on TED from their website:

“[Their] agenda is to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation.”

How to help you can promote ideas with TED:

Here’s some examples:


I’m serious about this, I really am. And I don’t think they should just teach Dramatics elements and classes etc, in primary schools, but also the basics in Psychology, Biology and Philosophy? Why don’t we give children the basic tools of these disciplines and let them use them to better understand the world they live in and how they interact and behave in that world? Yes? …Emm


I think that’d be great, but people will need to see that it has potential for more than just being a formula for telling a story if that’s going to happen. It’ll probably need to get even more popular in creative writing classes until the right people see and understand what it is and carry it over into a communications class or a debate team or something “more practical”. When people start seeing real world applications of Dramatica and how useful it is, maybe it’ll start getting looked at by more than just writers.


Why doesn’t the “powers that be” of dramatica make a premetive strike and develop a simpler programme and take into schools and allow teachers and children to see it in practice. I cannot believe that children, once given the opportunity to learn and understand more about Ratatouille or any other film, would not wonder why it has not been done before! Why must the dramatica team wait to be asked. GO KNOCK DOWN SOME DOORS! Take it to the masses. Let them give it a vote of confidence. Emm.

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We did this last year - super fun:

And the kids LOVED it.

ALL of them understood that a sunset was an Optionlock, not a Timelock :laughing:


Brilliant! . I would like to know if you plan to push it further in
schools? You should do it here too. It’s so important.



Sometimes I storyform movies in the car with my kids. It’s so easy for them that they even understand what induction means!


The best is when they start to get annoyed when a film uses the “You and I are both alike” speech between the Main Character and the Antagonist, not the Influence Character LOL

“Why do they do that?” they always ask. :slight_smile:


I sense some sarcasm … But taking it to school once last year is not what I meant, at all, and not everybody has a parent who is such an important figure in the DramPro/Subtext worlds. It’s easy to forget the laypeople isn’t it? Happy Holidays!

@Emm it seems like you have a lot of passion for this so you should definitely go for it!! Even if you start small, like volunteering to lead a session like Jim’s in your child’s (/niece/nephew’s) school, it would give you some perspective to go forward with your vision.


Oh, no, no sarcasm at all. My car trips back from family trips to the movie theater are always about Influence Characters and Resolves and Growth and Outcomes and Judgments – they have the story gene!

And yes, I would love to see it in a more official capacity…you never know what’s coming down the pike! :slight_smile:


I’ve got two schools interested in having me teach creative writing classes using dramatica.

They’ve been impressed by the stories I’ve helped a few kids create with dramatica.

For now we’re working with the demo software. The official software is quite expensive for nearly everyone in my country’s economy.

I’ll be teaching the children how to answer the 12 essential questions then I’ll work with them to express the plot sequence report based on the 12 essential questions they answered.

I’m slowly saving up to purchase a full version of the software.

Maybe in the future they’ll be a special rate for dramatica users from the developing world.


Hey Samuelogeda, we do a LOT of outreach to educational groups and institutions, including providing grants for free software. If you have something specific in mind, please send me an email at dramatica@screenplay.com with a description of what you’d like to do and what your needs are and I can send you further information. Cheers, Chris


@chuntley thank you for your generosity. I’ll be sending you an email very soon. :slight_smile:


I homeschool my kids. I will be starting Dramatica with my 11th grade daughter next week. I hope I can do it justice.