I just finished watching “Soylent Green” (SPOILER ALERT: link to watch the movie at the bottom of this post) to the end. A dystopian futuristic sci-fi flick.
The OS is
Everyone, especially Thorn, a cop & the MC, is trying to either solve the murder of Richard Simonson or keep them from solving it to hide a horrible secret.
Simonson’s death was an assassination. He was murdered by the rich, powerful, and absolutely corrupt people that manufacture Soylent Green: a square, green type of nutrition bar fed to the starving masses that don’t even know what a cow or the shore looks like.
Thorn is a steadfast, logical, DO-ER who wins in the end and finds out they are liquifying all of the deceased corpses and putting the liquified remains in the Soylent Green to feed to the masses who have nothing else to eat besides Soylent red and so on. The rich eat very scarce but real food. A small jar of Strawberry jam costs $150.00, called “150 D’s”
Thorn sneaks into one of the garbage trucks they use to take the dead to a “waste disposal” into the manufacturing plant of Soylent Green, and watches, while descending floor by floor, the process. He barely makes it out alive where he tells his boss at the end, “I’ve seen it, I’ve got proof…soylent green is people…you gotta tell them, you gotta tell them!”
After talking to his boss for a moment
Thorn is taken away to the hospital on a stretcher, shot at least twice and bloody.
He reaches his arm straight up in the air, his bloody hand toward his boss as they are wheeling him away, and says,
“You gotta tell them! You gotta tell them! They have to be stopped!”
The End
The movie turned out to be a lot better than the slow moving way that it started out as it introduced the primary characters and murder of the director of Soylent green.
The reason he was killed?
Simonson became of no more use to the other big wigs in the corporation after he found out the dead were the main ingredient. He stopped doing a thorough job, and was occasionally was seen crying by his girlfriend“,
a pretty whore that came with his
penthouse rental called “furniture”;
who he could no longer make love to knowing the great evil that was going on in this dystopian society set in 2022 in New York City (population 40,000,000).
Great writing and acting, the camera man and director weren’t great but didn’t ruin the movie either. As I learn Dramatica theory there will be a lot more theory than storytelling from me in a post/comment like this.
Watch “Soylent Green”