Great idea @Khodu!
Randomly and in no particular order:
Zorba the Greek (book or movie) is a classic that I’m surprised hasn’t been analyzed yet as it has such a clear MC/IC/RS.
I think The Unbearable Lightness of Being would be interesting (book, not movie).
This year I read both 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 and would be interested in doing either or both (1984 is weird though).
Are there any Hal Hartley fans here? I feel like there could be a number of interesting early choices by him (Trust, The Unbelievable Truth, Henry Fool, Amateur).
Less classically, I’m still curious about the storyform for Lexicon by Max Barry.
Television: I suspect that either season of Jessica Jones has a story (but that’s more of a time commitment if you haven’t seen it).
@mlucas and anyone else I would still be interested in any or all of the Kieslowski Three Colors trilogy but I need to set aside time to rewatch.