Event creation and a partiridge for 15 more characters

Could someone brilliant and full of dramatica understanding please walk me through event creation with dramatica? And I’m not talking just talking me through it, although, I’m plenty of willing to do that too. But I mean walk through the process and make one.

Pretty please and thank you strongly spiked xmas eggnog.

@jhull why are there character minimums on subject lines? Messages, it’s annoying but I get it.

Probably to prevent useless subjects like “Question” or “Characters”. I’ve seen this kind of thing on other boards. Having a subject character minimum pushes one to write specific subjects.

Do you mean Events as the subset of Scenes? If that’s so, then I think what Events define are the four aspects of the Scene that are important: a Situation, an Activity, a Way of Thinking, and an Attitude.

So, for example, if I want to write a scene where my hero visits a priest in a temple, I could start by describing how nice the temple looks (the Situation), then remind the reader why the character is there (the Activity), then gauge the priest’s attitude to him (Attitude, obviously) and describe the character’s attempt to convince the priest to help him (Way of Thinking). In the next Scene, I could describe the priest’s mood souring (Attitude), him convincing his acolytes to kick the character out of the temple (Activity), then describe the character brooding over his failure (Way of Thinking) as he treks through the hostile desert (Situation).

Then again, the last time I asked a question like this, I got a response of, “It’s too granular to really be any help to you,” so I could be totally wrong for all I know. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know what’s more annoying? Having to take time out of your day to fix the subject line of a forum post because the person who posted couldn’t be bothered to do it themselves.