The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen: MC - Situation: the Little Mermaid, IC - Fixed Attitude: the prince, OT -Activity, RT -Manipulation
The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde: MC - Activity: the Swallow, IC - Manipulation: the Happy Prince, OT -Fixed Attitude, RT -Situation
The Birthday of the Infanta by Oscar Wilde: MC - Situation: the Dwarf, IC - Fixed Attiude: the Infanta, OT - Manipulation; RT - Activity
Beauty and the Beast (original): MC - Situation(?): Beauty, IC - Fixed Attitude(?): the Beast, OT - Manipulation?, RT - Activity
The Frog Prince: the same
The Puss in Boots (original): MC - youngest son of a miller, IC - Puss in Boots
The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen: MC - Activity(?): Gerda, IC - Manipulation(?): Kai
I was just wondering…