Melanie Anne Phillips says you can flip the position of a term at type level in a dynamic pair without taking the children, the terms underneath.
Let’s use the dynamic pair doing and obtaining for illustration purposes.
Under doing we have the variations: wisdom, skill, experience, and enlightenment,
Under obtaining we have approach, self interest, morality, and attitude.
Melanie says you can shift obtaining to the position of doing and explore obtaining in terms of - wisdom, skill, experience and enlightenment.
and explore doing in terms of approach, self interest, morality, attitude.
Or you can take a quad like wisdom at variation level and explore the elements under enlightenment in terms of wisdom instead.
@mlucas at the elemental level. Can you have a situation where the concern is doing, issue is wisdom, and you pair the problem quad with elements beneath skill, experience, and enlightenment in your own way.
For example can I have a problem quad of
effect Vs cause
Result Vs process
Accurate Vs non accurate
Proven Vs unproven
It’s a complex thing to experiment with but I feel it makes for more colorful story telling.
Again, I’ve watched Melanie say you can flip the dynamic pair without carrying the children or quads underneath to the new position
The dramatica operations quad,
flips Vs rotates
Children Vs orientation