The actor, Jason Priestly, has played a mix of characters in his career. I, particularly, like his current show, Private Eyes, out of Canada and shown on ION stations in the US. The husband remarks what a great villain he was on the husband’s favorite western, Tombstone. I know a little about actor’s prep (and having paid big money student loans off for it …haha). So, I read up on his and that character’s background.
Kind of mind boggling and cosmic flow time, here — his character was Billy Breakenridge who in real life wrote a famous book about his life in Tombstone and the Earps, after interviewing Wyatt in the 1920’s, etc. The TV show Private Eyes is such a good balance of writing and acting, I would approach them for their favorite novels, etc. Fans can do that.
Priestley’s character is remembered by the husband as a villain in Tombstone and a good acted character in the BH9zip show I never watched. That the husband respected the episodes he saw speaks volumes to me. Priestley must really work at his subtext and might know some gems.