Yeah, isn’t it:
- I wish you all were dead (gets banished to room)
- local authorities dismiss panic call
- waiting for someone to give up their tickets (no takers)
- polka guy offers a seat in his van
- Kevin decides he wants his family back
- burglars choose Kevin’s house “this is the one”
- everyone decides Kevin is ok
- Kevin decides not to tell anyone what happened
I’m sure I missed one or overinflated a couple but it does feel like a Decision Story with a Willing Be-er in the driver seat.
All the fun Macaulay Culkin stuff is Be-er stuff, the pretending to be a mobster, pretending to be an adult in the checkout line, being or acting like an adult.
Also I think this is a case of a Changed character whose Resolve changes gradually over time, not a Leap of Faith kinda thing. Once he meets drunk Santa he basically has already made up his mind (before the OS is done).