In Search Of OS First/MC Change Second Movies

I am looking for movies where the OS is finished – that is, can be solidly called a Success or Failure – before the MC Changes.

I believe this happens in To Kill A Mockingbird but it’s much more frequent than that, so I’m hoping you know of some off hand.


Do you want strictly Resolve:Change films?

The Shawshank Redemption is one of them for sure. Isn’t E.T. another one?

Robin and Marian.

Robin doesn’t accept his time is over until after the battle with the Sheriff and Ranulf.

I think I do want Resolve:Change films.

I’ve never heard of Robin and Marian before.

Watched it on TCM a few months ago. A surprising film. I might be wrong about it fitting the profile you’re looking for, but at the moment I think it’s Outcome:Failure, followed by MC Change.