Inside the Clockwork Quote of the Day May 10th


“So on the one hand, each quad handles the four items in three dimensions (as does Trig), cycling through them over time to create the standard functions. In three dimensions this creates a circle (plotted on the quad) or the plot of the standard functions (such as sine and cosine) as the story unfolds over time, linearly. But if you move onto the RELATIONSHIPS of the items in each quad, it adds that extra dimension and that extra function.”

“In other words, the quad and the relationships allow both a three dimensional and four dimensional projecting of reality to exist in the same time/place.”

“You can get a feel for this by looking at how Trig plots out a Sine wave. In a quadrant, it seems to run around the quadrants creating a circle. But plotted over time along an axis, you get the never-ending sine wave.”

“But if you add the extra extra dimension, you see a helix, like a slinky toy, which from the end looks like a circle but when stretched out and seen from the side looks like a sine wave.”


“Look to the three kinds of pairs, Dynamic, Companion and Dependent. Note that each has a positive and negative aspect. You’ll find a direct correlation.” – Melanie

dramatica sine cosine.pdf (59.5 KB) (you can see the quadrant and wave form here)

Not as difficult as it looks, for anyone who has ever even written a little Javascript. There are six functions that exhaustively describe the relationships of all the sides of a right angled triangle in trigonometry, simple in themselves, profound in their implications about space and time. The same six are used to describe the quad, but then Melanie and Chris added two functions, Independent and Collective, to describe the journey of the quads relationships through time.

One of those chapters where you go, oh, right, of course it works that way. But seeing it, and coming up with it as Chris and Melanie did, are two different things.

Ahhh this makes me happy.

Repeat: “You can get a feel for this by looking at how Trig plots out a Sine wave. In a quadrant, it seems to run around the quadrants creating a circle. But plotted over time along an axis, you get the never-ending sine wave.” And that’s exactly what this shows.


and here’s one of my Eyes, looking at Dramatica…

So very awesome!!!

“You can get a feel for this by looking at how Trig plots out a Sine wave. In a quadrant, it seems to run around the quadrants creating a circle. But plotted over time along an axis, you get the never-ending sine wave.” And that’s exactly what the animated sinewave diagram shows.

Oh yes - I knew what you were doing. My question now is, I’m pretty sure she says something to the effect that the Unique Ability or Catalyst is simply the Cosecant of the Main Character or something like that – can you visualize that in the same way?

Hmmm like St Paul I will think on these things.

Inside the clockwork May 10 has disappeared from the listings, I think the system flagged it

If you’re talking about this one I still see it (and the new one)

Had to think about this. Oh I think I get it. So if the Main Character’s characteristics … hmm …

Ok, I can’t find anything connecting cosecant and MC in Melanie’s writings, but…I have a theory. IT IS JUST A THEORY.

In the story engine, there are six characteristics that are closely tired to the MC

Have you ever noticed that Unique Ability and Critical Flaw seem a little out of character in the grouping of Domain, Concern, Issue, Problem, etc? All of which seem to be environmental but UA and CF seem to be just as personal as Resolve, Growth, Approach and PS-Style.

So–AND THIS IS JUST A GUESS–I am guessing that UA/CF are secant and cosecant in the MC’s, umm…‘main quad’? And I am not sure what that is? Is there a quad where the MC’s ‘essential character’ is defined? I feel like there is and I am totally blanking out.

which would make resolve/growth, which feel ‘vertical’ to me the sine/cosine, and approach/style the tangent and cotangent. THIS IS JUST A GUESS. UNTIL AND UNLESS CONFIRMED THIS IS !!NOT!! DRAMATICA THEORY.


This is just as likely a candidate for the six trigometric functions.

Hmm then the top four gives this quad for the MC variation of Committment:

…so there’s a quad…and then…Responsibility, the UA, is in a dynamic relationship with Committment…

and thennn… closure and denial, the CF:

Well, I just don’t know…

maybe this is how you get there?

At this point…time to just ask Melanie :slight_smile: