Something has changed with how this site finds text to quote. If I highlight an entire sentence (on my computer, works fine on my phone), then it doesn’t give me the callout box to quote it in my reply.
Anyone else running into this?
Something has changed with how this site finds text to quote. If I highlight an entire sentence (on my computer, works fine on my phone), then it doesn’t give me the callout box to quote it in my reply.
Anyone else running into this?
I was noticing this problem a little while ago – but sporadically. (For example ^^ worked just now).
The issue seems to occur when there is any formatting in the text you are quoting, including people’s names/tags, or new lines. I think even emojis and bold/italic will cause the issue but not sure.
You can try this post by me @mlucas to see what portions are quotable and what aren’t.
“You can try this post by me @mlucas to see what portions are quotable and what aren’t.”
Aha! You figured it out. At least we know what it’s doing.
Nice sleuthing. It seems like a strange bug.