JavaFx edition of Dramatica

is there any chance that Dramatica tell me the secret formula , and let me produce a JavaFx edition of Dramatica have at least the same functionality. all the right and marketing policy definitely belong to the rightful original owner.

the plot progression formula

the static story points choosing formula (goal ,requirements ,dividends , consequence, forewarning , prerequisite, cost ,precondition )

Act/Sequence/Scene/Event detail generating formula

the flip rotate operation math

have no idea how to write a story , waste 4 month to read the theory then get 16(type)+4 dimension + 64 variation + 64 elements and no connection among them.

please help… please…

There is a reason we have not released the math for these formulas, and this is it. While we make the theory freely available to all, the technology behind the software is a trade secret, primarily as a means to support ongoing development. Please do not attempt to create and/or distribute software based on the Dramatica technology.

Just write a story from one point of the theory that you like, ie. One character or one terminology. It only exists so you can have fun. Write something fun, then the next time, pick something else, etc. Your brain will put it together, eventually. Some get it by doing, not reading or watching, imho.

It doesn’t sound like he’s that interested in actually writing a story.

Here, I was visualizing a writer who was overwhelmed with wanting to write the perfect story…and stuck. :volcano: You know the feeling, needing a word so start rewriting the dictionary.

occasionally multiple moment with vivid picture , but have no theory to hold them together to produce a comprehensible story , is it a sign of greater writer birth or a sign of in coming stroke ?

a impulse to argue on several topics , but hard find any one to argue with … is it a opportunity for character creation or start to visit mental clinic ?

4 month theory decoding get 128+ more elements with no clue how to start to write , is it a situation for asking more detailed help or just go buying 4 stack of poker and start the fortune-telling business which kicking real money flow.

should i practice my English base on SEO material which promoting Dramitca software selling or just go buy some IELTS reading comprehension workbook and starting doing the homework?

what is the basic of a so called theory ? the trading secret ?

why every newbie wanna write perfect prize winning story at his first try ? let’s leave it to the professional writer who have more deep insight into human mind.

my intention is whenever i have done a shitty story, i can say : “hey! you mediocrer , my story have the same analytical form and structure as the famous one! same form, same structure, same backing theory, even same software ! you just don’t have the ability to appreciate it because you just a popular culture heavily influenced person which don’t have your own opinion at all.”

if you have created a word , and the word have very complex relationship with the other words in the old dictionary , then you need to rewrite the dictionary. otherwise why bother creating a word , choose one from the old dictionary, inherit its old meaning and relationship with other word within the old dictionary.

the Dramatica is 25 years old, and the software is bias to popular culture to fit the biggest market , leave no free choices among other bias.

the Dramatica software is 1450 usd , and the PDF theory is free but lack of math operation details . maybe the underlying Theory is broken too but covered up by the software’s convenience or convention . but i rather don’t wanna to believe it is that case.

i wanna to believe Dramatica theory is solid , and you just have a little problem to converting it to executable software and work flow.

and the theory must work for everyone ,every class ,every medical condition , rich or poor ,healthily or ill , otherwise there will be rich guy’s story and there will be poor guy’s story , the story for gentleman , the
penny dreadful for suspected criminal. just like software is bias to certain culture. in this case the market is too subdivided to have a single story addressing all the audience . the version-ed cost for each market is very high too.

I’m met a professional writer at one of the dramática Burbank workshops in the 1990s, and he came to the workshop to practice and learn the theory more. He wrote with it but he never cared to use the software. He preferred to use it without the software, just writing his own combination as it came to him. It seems you would save time doing that. I started a screenplay in 1996, and I ended up going back to college and getting my BA in psychology, then a masters, all to make it better…then working at this, and that in acting and art to make it better…but the screenplay still isn’t done. However, I have written other things. I see writing a new dictionary to capture a word as a metaphor for getting diverted. It was a tongue-in-cheek, an attempt at humor toward’s my own frustrations.

I find it charming you want to create a software system to fit your brain’s unique visions all to write a story, but you don’t need to. When I took cognitive psychology, the professor provided interns to Intel, very much in demand by them, btw. They developed everything to work the way a brain works, naturally. Lots of Microsoft and Google products on writing provide tracks for the atypical writer. We use Dramatica because we want ONLY the most broad and the most common mind view. We want to tap into that to sell. We are learning to write that way. It is important to keep the company proprietary and profitable so they can keep up with operating system changes and security needs of us little users, so we can continue using Dramatica consistently.

the last thing i wanna is bumping into the lawyer rather than the co-Creator to negotiating a cooperating possibility .

the software need to evolve , and the theory better need to be closed(mapping elements back to its elements set despite the dimensionality ).

so with finite elements and variations , combine them can create various story that comprehensible to human mind (both audience and author )

comprehensible to author means doesn’t matter how many dimension the Story Mind Model is , there should be a liner work flow and simple finite operate-able operations let the author continuing adding different scale of details that have constrained choice by framework till the finishing of the story.

------and i figure that if a story feel like have a Theme , it should be blending some Thematic Elements into the Scene or Event right ? how to blend? the PDF fail to mention , the software seems too .

------how many Character Elements a Event should contain?

if you have a certain Tree like structure of the Model , then base on the basic storage format , you can have no matter how many high dimension perspective(view) you want . for example , one doing some sculpturing art , don’t like oil painting only care one point of view . one need circling around the sculpture and decide every gesture trends and every hairy detail make the sculpture credible to human eye. when it come to 3D modeling software , no mater how many dimension material the author intent to create, the file stored on the hard disk is actually 1D (a string of 0,1 stored in different disk track, continued or not. )

since the universe itself can map into 0,1 on the surface of black-hole , i feel it plausible to map all Elements of story to quads , it is absolutely reasonable . the problem is the tree structure is so not clear that everything below Act/Scene plot is a mystery, (the “Sequence term” is mystery too) , forbidding author adding structural details(player casting for each scene/event/OneFrameOfStorybord, player-player conversation groups , stage of narratives )(plain text considered as non-strutural ) within the Framework, make the Framework obsolete to use, it have no constrains over plain text, it have not suggestion usage for its sub domain object instance.

and why i asking for trade secret in email or post don’t consider as legal binding ? if a product is claimed of DramaticaTheroyBased(if it is not a broken one) , no matter how many version/ edition (ie/chrome/webkit/opera/window desktop/Apple desktop /android/ios) software it has , it is still all rights reserved for the original owner of the DramaticaTheroy isn’t it?

please help.

You might be expecting too much out of a software program, in terms of a writing product. Think of computer help as drawing a thumbnail sketch before painting a picture. Ask your artist friends what a thumbnail sketch is. It is the love of using words to express emotions and interactions that makes the magic, not a software system.

the professional writer case also can and only can prove that the software is not user friendly.

and keep adding structural detail with in the framework don’t contradict with the broad stroke /common mind except your final work only have broad stroke /common mind forever in every case. otherwise the track for details consistency is the most laboring effort which need delegating to machines.

when come to the stage you wanna to debate on what conversion should or should not appear in what place/stage base on player(character) knowledge/mind/view in its own through line , what information should disclosure in what order , without software it is a tough job .

the idea is better more structural than plain when developing. the author works in structural form (elements/objection/class/types) , the editor better also editing in structural form(the source code ) , the audience decode final work in plain liner form , to create his/her’s own understanding(restructure base on his/her’ own experience ) , that’s explain why super start in a final work movie is so import in every aspect, because he/she is more close to audience than writer., but no matter how exponentially import the super start is , the structure the writer design is parallelly also very import. there is not contradiction here.

with structure , you can jump . when it is plain , you can only work in liner manner. no software do the indexing for you , the liner search task is not what your favorited i guess, except you just memorized all the text and indexing all of them in you brain, even so , you don’t skip the “text/ conversation/ narrative” location task if the medium you write in is a single text file.

i don’t contradict the software usage with the creative write technique , they suppose to work together smoothly . when it is not , it either the technique is not understanding well or the implemented software not user friendly , no middle ground here.

George R.R Martin use the DOS system software to do the writing . and the book progress is feeling slow(whatever , i don’t read.i watch). and he is a rich one i mean , he use dedicated editor to fix the missing character(player) or miss placed character , or filling unclosed plot holes.

thumbnail lack of detail , yes , but it no lack of structure and coloring suggestion, shad summaries.

if it come to pencil sketch, it event provide more edge detail and perspective calculating anchoring than finally work, the final work actually need to reduce element / intention and details in order to utilize the effect of “space” , follow the less is more principle. hence you can’t say that the detailed sketch is waste ,you should start at shading at first place, should i say so ?

@Prish if you stop feeding him, eventually he will go away.

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