Truby’s American Hustle article
I first became interested in John Truby last year when his series of ‘interviews’ hit the internets. What attracted me were his ideas on screenwriting as being mostly hard work and not formulaic (or thats what I thought I heard). So I bought his book and because I am a huge procrastinator I have not read it yet. But I get his emails. I recently read the article on American Hustle above and the point I want to comment here is his ideas on the POV switching in this movie.
Again, If he had the Dramatica vocabulary I think he would say the FBI agent (Bradley Cooper character) is the protagonist and Christian Bale is the Main Character. But, Truby is stuck in the mindset that Protagonist and MC are inseparable (IMO). With Dramatica POV one can see that we can separate Overall Story from MC story and it’s a beautiful thing. I love Jim Hulls comment(Structure is what happens When ) ,"Its funny too to hear talk about “two-handers” when Dramatica considers all narrative at its core a “two-hander” (Main and Influence Character). ” and American Hustle has Amy Adams as the Influence
Character to complete this two hander.
Anyway, Truby also says that flashback structure is wrong. “Hustle uses the storyteller flashback structure, but does it incorrectly. This structure, when done properly, begins in the present, just after the biggest dramatic event of the story, typically the battle scene. The moment triggers a flashback where we return to some point in the past and see the events that led up to the dramatic event. “
In my opinion what he describes is overdone and although initially thrown off by this in American Hustle I found it refreshing.
It will be interesting to do a Dramatica analysis of American Hustle and see if memories or past come up in a signpost one somewhere or as Benchmark.