I’m unsure whether DSE is trying to point out a hole in my story or whether previous tinkering has fouled up my Story Engine.
Below is a screenshot of the Characteristics tab in DSE. I assume that the red and blue triangles in the top left corner of the two boxes–HINDER and HELP–containing the labels MC and IC, indicate the crucial elements for the MC and IC.
However, why is one of those boxes (labelled MC) filled by another character (who is not the MC)? Is this a technical glitch or error I have made or is it the logical result of my story choices?
I don’t want this configuration (or at least I don’t believe I do!). The MC should contain Help/crucial element. So, what would be the correct way to correct this error?
Perhaps the real reason that I am confused is because within the Story Engine tab (screenshot below) I see that the MC Response is Help–therefore, the MC crucial element is Help. So why is this not reflected in the Characteristics tab?
I’m left confused as to why these two indicators of the MC crucial element do not correspond. Until I figure that out I’m wary of making changes.
Your insights and suggestions are welcomed and appreciated!