Has anyone explored either Mental Relativity or Dramatica outside of telling stories?
If you haven’t, do you have any interest in doing so?
For instance, one thing I am almost constantly doing these days is determining wether I feel like someone is approaching a problem linearly or holistically. I mentioned in another post that I felt like Simon Sinek tends to suggest very holistic views. Ine day I wondered if ants might be considered Linear problem solvers, and if so, what creature might be more holistic. If I watch anything political in nature, it’s become difficult to fight the urge to yell at my screen, “you guys aren’t even talking about the same thing! You’re looking at the structure of the issue while they are telling you about their relationship to it! This discussion will go nowhere because you’re both right about two different things!” It’s like the example I’ve seen on Dramaticapedia where two people are arguing whether the grape is round or purple (or something to that effect).
Or something else I wonder about is how Mental Relativity night view or explain certain mental problems. I don’t know enough about any mental illnesses or disorders to do anything but ponder, but considering that the mind is a machine made of processes, what would it look like if that machine stopped working properly? Say it got stuck on measuring the state of things. Might that look like some form of autism, or Aspergers, or OCD? Would that lead one to be more sociopathic in nature somehow? What if the mind got stuck on only measuring processes? What would we call that? Is there a way to fix it?
Anyway, I’m not necessarily looking for comments on those things (though feel free to do so), but just giving examples of what I mean by taking MR and Dram outside of writing. Does anyone do that? Has anyone done it? Ever found anything interesting or pondered something interesting or fun or silly in doing so? Or is this sort of thing not of particular interest to others?